I’m an Angel (IAA) is a non profit organisation dedicated towards empowering rural communities in Bali, improving their standard of living amidst resource scarcity and socio-economic challenges. IAA started from the determination of a few individuals and has evolved into a project that relies on many. In 2003, Mike Mohan, Danielle Van Poppel and Yawahar Punjabi came together and decided that a celebration was an easy way to raise funds. KU DE TA co-founder Arthur Chondros was contacted and they immediately began collaboration on the first IAA charity fundraiser, with just over USD $20,000 raised.Shortly afterwards, the team was joined by Asana Viebeke Lengkong.Providing health care to local communitiesViebeke had been providing dietary needs and basic health care to rural communities since 1996. She was in charge of the environmental and population division for the World Bank communication forum in Bali and was involved with implementing sustainable development throughout the island.Soon after joining IAA, Viebeke and her team of graduate engineers, architects and health workers allocated the aid throughout poverty stricken regions in Bali.Here is just some of the work that I’m An Angel is involved in:
Supplementing food and school supplies throughout school programmes to over 15,000 children
Sponsoring children in higher education
Sponsoring undernourished and medically handicapped children
Women’s Empowerment programs: promoting awareness on reproductive health & income generating training programs
Educational programs for orphans and disadvantaged children, including the provision of school books, stationery and shoes
Providing free health care and nutritional supplements including Vitamin B complex, milk and eggs
Environmental awareness on garbage management, composting, recycling and planting thousands of trees
Creating and maintaining infrastructures to provide access roads, clean water and electricity to rural communities
Encouraging communities to build cooperatives, providing loans and animal husbandry training to purchase and raise cattle
Publishing books and games to educate all ages on health and the environment